Please contribute towards our magazine by giving us your brief C.V. and a maximum 1,000 word article. This will be considered by our committee for possible publication on this site.
Our topics include - 'Your Vision of the Future' and Topics already defined in our Agenda as part of the "Call for Papers".

*E-mail us...

Mindquest Conference
The Loss of the Human Soul
The Cloning of the Human Body
The Loss of Information
Environmental Change, Economics Inequity and Political Action
Economic Rationalism & the Human Heart
The Paradigm Shift
A View of Planet Earth from Space
Human Survival, Climate Change & the Loss of Biodiversity
Geonomics - Harmonising Economics & the Environment
Western Culture & Humanity's Future
Decide to Network
Poem by Dr Michael Ellis
Our Humanness, Consciousness & the Environment
Brain Longevity
The Great Enigma
The Habitual State - Defining our Essence
The Renaissance of Humankind
The Unconscious and the Self
Towards the New Millennium
The Evolution of Medicine - Revaluing the Human Psyche
The Role of the Institution in a Free Society
The Biomedical Model - Splitting Mind and Body
Shaping a New World - Creating a Healing Culture
A New Model of Cognition
Brain and Consciousness - The Biomind

DR Michael Ellis is currently seeking a publisher of his book and manuscript of the film of Great Enigma and various articles shown here.